Training and Capacity Building

Companies need to build on and sustain their institutional capacity with respect to buried infrastructure asset management and investment planning.

Working in conjunction with our clients and leveraging years of research, WISER Analysis have expended significant effort to ensure our tools and frameworks underpin institutional capacity with respect to asset management and investment planning.

As well as being practical decision support solutions that deliver triple bottom line value, our tools also provide a focus for investigating and understanding the challenges posed by buried infrastructure asset management.

Leveraging this capacity, WISER Analysis deliver bespoke training courses in the use of PARMS and, more generally, asset management frameworks, tools and techniques.


Training courses are held at the client’s offices and are designed to help practitioners better understand the technical and scientific challenges associated with buried infrastructure asset management and investment planning, while providing a solid grounding in the use of PARMS.

We leverage the investment made in this training to workshop decision support and data management issues, and then help our clients move towards a business as usual ‘end-to-end’ process for managing assets effectively.

A typical course is undertaken over 3-5 days depending on client needs and specification. Content is tailored to the requirements of each utility, but generally focuses on:

  • Asset management concepts, investment planning frameworks, and modelling issues relevant to the management of buried infrastructure, with a focus on pressure pipes
  • The PARMS software and its functionality, demonstrating how the software can be used in support of strategic, tactical, and operational investment planning and asset management
  • Hands-on training with respect the use of the software
  • Data management protocols, including the use of the PICT

Institutional Capacity Building

Building and sustaining institutional capacity does not happen by chance.

Experience shows that corporate resilience to changes in staff and resourcing can be enhanced by adopting tools and techniques that allow practitioners to quickly develop an understanding of the asset base and investment needs.

Such tools buffer existing institutional capacity, allowing it to be sustained and built upon, even in the face of business reorganisations and other changes.

While that necessitates the use of models and software solutions, those are not in themselves the solution to institutional capacity building unless they are specifically designed to achieve that goal.

Our decision support tools are designed to help utilities build and sustain institutional capacity in the face of ever-increasing business challenges and turn over in key staff.