Our mission is to help utilities and local councils deliver sustained value to their customers and communities.

WISER Analysis is a boutique consultancy based out of Melbourne, Australia. We offer services relating to infrastructure asset management and associated decision support frameworks and techniques, generally working within the water and environmental sectors.

Our focus is in our name: Water Infrastructure Systems Economics and Risk (WISER) Analysis

WISER’s goal is to provide effective decision support tools and techniques that deliver real business value, while helping to build and maintain institutional capacity in investment planning and asset management.

One of our key points of differentiation derives from our broad ranging experience of developing innovative solutions for the water sector, both as researchers and consultants. Leveraging our extensive knowledge base, we help our clients develop:

  • Improved end-to-end data management and decision support protocols
  • Effective investment planning and asset management
  • Risk-based asset management plans and regulatory submissions
  • Business cases for investment in risk management and renewals
  • Institutional capacity with respect to decision support, investment planning, and asset management


Dr David Marlow

David aims to help the water sector develop the asset and systems level knowledge required to fully integrate and sustainably manage the delivery of urban water services.

David has spent more than 25 years successfully delivering R&D and consulting projects for the urban water sectors of Australia, the UK and North America. During this time, he has won, managed, and provided technical expertise for a broad portfolio of projects relating to infrastructure asset management and urban water futures.

As attested by his publication record, David has played a significant role in linking infrastructure asset management and sustainability frameworks, while developing innovative approaches for modelling infrastructure deterioration, condition and performance assessment, as well economic and risk-based frameworks for the management of water, wastewater and stormwater infrastructure.

David’s publication record can be found at:


Dr Scott Gould

Scott has a passion for the practical application of innovative solutions that deliver better business outcomes for utilities and their customers.

Scott has worked for more than 23 years delivering R&D and consulting projects for the urban water sectors of Australia and North America.

Scott has extensive experience in deterioration and lifetime modelling, economic modelling, detailed statistical analysis, failure analysis, laboratory and field-based testing, and asset management framework development.

Scott’s publication record can be found at:


Bradley Lane

Brad works to deliver innovative solutions to complex decision support challenges.

Brad is a Software Engineer with over 25 years of professional experience specialising in the area of Enterprise Applications Development utilising the Microsoft .NET Framework and SQL Server. His expertise spans the development of decision support systems, applications development, database design, data analysis, and information visualisation.

Brad has successfully developed a suite of applications in the water asset management area, including the PARMS software suite. He also has extensive experience in other sectors, including the energy, wood science, bushfires, river networks, agriculture and finance.

Brad’s publication record can be found at:



WISER Analysis draw on a network of associates who augment our expertise via skills in analytics, machine learning and GIS analysis.