"... all the business of life is to endeavour to find out what you don't know by what you do..."

Duke of Wellington

Wiser analysis can help your business achieve this effectively.

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Your Challenges

In the face of ever-increasing regulatory requirements, budget constraints and customer service expectations, water utilities and local councils are increasingly expected to demonstrate their investment strategies are prudent and efficient, then deliver these through effective asset management.

To achieve this, decision support solutions are needed to assess the trade-off between Opex, Capex and risk-cost at multiple scales, and thereby justify budgets and optimise the value delivered to customers.

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Our Solutions

WISER Analysis leverage decades of research and consultancy experience to help clients meet the challenges of delivering effective investment planning and asset management.

Our philosophy is to help embed science-based tools and techniques into ‘business as usual’ processes, aligning capital delivery with strategic and tactical plans, thereby ensuring corporate goals and customer needs continue to be met in the most cost-effective manner possible.

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PARMS implements a best practice asset management framework for risk-based investment planning and decision support.

The Pipeline Asset Risk Management System (PARMS) is a decision support suit that allows utilities to deliver prudent and efficient asset management for pressure pipeline systems.

PARMS currently consists of two main decision support suits: PARMS Retic (for reticulation networks) and PARMS T&D (for Transmission and Distribution networks), with a range of supporting framework approaches, tools and techniques that can be applied to other asset classes as well.

We Aren’t Just About Pipes ...

While WISER Analysis have focused on the management challenges associated with pressure pipelines and other buried infrastructure, our knowledge-base is much broader than that. We work across the full range of asset classes, whether related to water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure systems, and extend our approaches to natural assets like waterways.

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Effective Decision Support

PARMS leverage decades of fundamental research and practical insights into asset management challenges.

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Risk and Economics

Effective asset management requires a focus on risk and economics, which is delivered via PARMS and supporting tools.

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End-to-End Implementation

Effective decision support is more than just tools and data, it is about developing end-to-end business processes that help to sustain and build institutional capacity.

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Enhancing ISO 55000

Our solutions not only align with ISO 55000, they help make it a business reality providing the bottom up intelligence to support prudent and efficient decision making at all levels of planning and delivery.