While working at CSIRO, WISER staff undertook a comprehensive program of research focused on the challenges of buried infrastructure asset management, investment planning, and urban water futures more generally. The range of our research activities can be reviewed via our publication records at:

Brad has focused on the development of software solutions that embed research findings in practical solutions.

Since founding WISER Analysis, we have continued to work with utilities across Australia, as well as delivering R&D projects for peak industry bodies such as the Water Services Association of Australia, UKWIR and Water RF.

Consultancy services we have delivered relate to:

Tailoring of PARMS Retic

We have continued to develop the PARMS software suite and worked with utilities across Australia to tailor it to their business needs and context. As well as supporting WSAA and its members more generally, our clients include:

  • Barwon Water
  • Hunter Water
  • Icon Water
  • Gippsland Water
  • Goulburn Valley Water
  • North East Water
  • South Australia Water
  • South Gippsland Water
  • Sydney Water
  • Tas Water
  • Water Corporation Western Australia
  • Yarra Valley Water

Tailoring of PARMS T&D

PARMS T&D and the underpinning PARMS Critical framework is a relatively new addition to the PARMS suite of decision support tools. Our clients include:

  • Gippsland Water
  • Icon Water
  • South Gippsland Water
  • Tas Water
  • Water Corporation Western Australia

Strategic Assessments

We have helped utilities make a range of strategic assessments for regulatory and business planning purposes. Our clients include:

  • Hunter Water (strategic assessment of both reticulation and critical water pipes)
  • Icon Water (strategic assessment of reticulation)
  • Gippsland Water (strategic assessment of both reticulation and critical water pipes)
  • South Australia Water (strategic assessment of reticulation)
  • Yarra Valley Water (strategic assessment of reticulation)
  • Water Corporation Western Australia (strategic assessment of AC pipe and related corporate risk exposure)

Capital Prioritisation

We have also worked with a range of utilities to optimise short-term capital expenditure in asset renewals. Clients include:

  • Icon Water
  • Water Corporation Western Australia
  • North East Water
  • Yarra Valley Water

Condition Assessment and Remaining Economic Life

We have worked with a range of utilities to undertaken condition assessment and survey work and interpret this via the modelling of remaining economic life using PARMS Risk and SPEAR. Our clients include:

  • Griffith City Council
  • Hawkesbury City Council
  • Queensland Urban Utilities

The software tools have also been used extensively in a range of practical case studies undertaken for the Australian water sector.

Modelling Asset Criticality and Failure Consequence

We collaborated with Gippsland Water to develop a criticality/consequence assessment website tool that helps assess and visualise the criticality of all water and wastewater assets. This provides inputs into asset management strategies and risk-based economic analysis.

We have also worked with a range of utilities to develop the consequence models and criticality ratings needed for PARMS T&D. This work has included modelling of flood risk associated with pipe bursts. Our clients include:

  • Gippsland Water
  • Icon Water
  • South Gippsland Water
  • Water Corporation Western Australia

Asset Management for Waterways

We worked with Melbourne Water to help them transition from a natural resource management to an asset management approach for waterways in the Melbourne region. This collaborative effort resulted in a tailored framework for asset management of waterways, which was applied in pilot studies of two regions. Supporting tools and techniques were also developed.

National and International R&D Projects

While our effort has focused on helping utilities build their institutional capacity and fill specific asset management needs, we have also contributed to a number of research initiatives for peak industry bodies including WSAA (Australia), UKWIR (UK), and the Water Research Foundation (USA). Specific R&D projects include:

  • Business Case Development for Critical Civil Assets (WSAA)
  • Performance and Lifespan of Polyethylene Wrap Materials for Ductile Iron Pipes (Water RF)
  • Selecting Methods for Projecting Life Cycle Asset Management Investment Needs (Water RF)
  • Long Term Investment in Infrastructure (UKWIR)

In addition, many of the projects listed above contain an R&D element relating to the development of tools, techniques and frameworks to meet client needs.